If you were to open your bathroom cabinet, you would probably be greeted by a pack of cotton swabs, but what should you really be using these for? It’s a common myth that these should be used to clean out your ears, but they shouldn’t be going anywhere near your ear canal as there is a risk of infection and injury. If you’re wondering why you need to steer clear of sticking a cotton swab into your ear, here are a handful of things to consider.

Not All Earwax is Harmful

There are a number of negative connotations surrounding earwax, but it’s actually the sign of a very healthy set of ears! Earwax carries a whole host of useful functions such as protecting the ears from infection, keeping the ear moist and preventing dryness. Earwax is also useful for keeping pesky bugs out of your ears, which most people would be very thankful for!

Cotton Swabs Can Do More Harm Than Good

Refraining from putting cotton swabs inside your ears is the only way to prevent harm to your ear canals and eardrum. If you were to insert a small cotton swab into your ear you will actually push your earwax up into the eardrum, which is the last place you want it to go! Not only can this cause your eardrum to rupture, but it can also gradually develop into an impaction which can be trickier to clear. When impactions are not dealt with quickly and effectively by an audiologist, infections and hearing loss can also occur.

Earwax Already Has a Clever System

Believe it or not, earwax is actually a self-sufficient entity and it has its own method of clearing itself out of your ear canal. When you move your jaw naturally through conversation and eating, any excess earwax is pushed out of the ear canal and into the external part of the ear. Usually, the earwax will then flake out naturally leaving you with clean and clear ears. All you need to do to maintain clean ears is shower regularly and occasionally use an external cloth to clean your ears.

The Alternative to Cotton Swabs

Talking to an audiologist about excess earwax or issues with hearing is your safest and most effective alternative to cotton swabs. Although you may want to deal with the issue quickly by yourself, this will only exacerbate the problem. Audiologists know exactly what to look out for and they will be able to provide you with an array of options when it comes to keeping your ear canals clear.

Leave Ear Cleaning to The Professionals

Whenever possible, you should ensure that all of your ear cleaning is carried out by a trained professional. Your local audiologist will be able to advise you on the best course of action. Earwax is a natural and healthy part of your ear, so messing with it at home is a big no-no. If you are ever tempted to use a cotton swab in your ear, just remember all of the potential risks outlined above and leave it to the professionals!

Tags: earwax removal tips